Epoi is a fairly new genuine leather bag brand made in Japan. Last night, I had the pleasure of attending their reception party with some of the girls in my agency. We all received matching square leather bags in different colors. I just recently featured my black bag in my last outfit post here, and let me tell you, I absolutely adore this bag. Perfect for daily or for a night out, these bags are of high quality and extremely useful. Thank you Epoi for a lovely reception party!
What a great party! love those colorful bag samantha :)
ReplyDeleteSonya Thaniya
Check my new post :
Ohh nice ♥
ReplyDeleteIn need of one!
The White Print Blog
C. Caulfield 's Instagram
Ohh, I so much love genuine leather bags...
ReplyDeleteOoh I like your bag! I like the boxiness. It looks like it can hold quite a bit without being bulky too.
I love that red patent leather one!