(top and skirt: Forever 21; tights: Target)
I usually make my photos the main attraction for my posts, but today I feel like using my words as the focus of this post. Around noon, I went to the recording studio to finish recording a track that was postponed for quite a while for various reasons, one being my producer was busy with other work for the last couple of months. We also wanted to finish recording a different track first. Since this track is much more complicated in terms of recording, editing and mastering, he wanted to take care of it first, which made sense.
The song I recorded today is a party tune, very upbeat and fun. I think I wrote the lyrics to this one early last summer and we did some pre-recording soon after, then it went to the wayside because of said reasons. After returning to the studio today for the same track, it was a completely different experience because my producer decided to change the key of the song so it would better suit my voice. This single change made all the difference - it was easier to sing, and I had more freedom to add my personality to the track. We finished surprisingly quick this time, and I remember when we were working on this last summer, it took several sessions to get one pre-recording done. Maybe my singing abilities improved, or that key change just fixed everything. I hope these tracks will be completed soon so I can show you all what I've been working on!
Next week, my producer and I are meeting up to actually make a new track together. He usually makes the demos, then I write the lyrics then record my vocals. I think being able to work on a song from the first step will be a pretty cool experience.
My Saturday turned out to be a very productive one, but I have to take care of my tax returns tomorrow... not looking forward to that. But it has to be done. I hope you have a weekend well spent! Thanks for taking the time to read <3
Samantha Mariko