Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Rio de Sol Brazilian swimwear

September is approaching, and summer is coming to an end. Summer seems never-ending, but before you know it, fall arrives and it's back to school, back to work. I was lucky to have been able to visit one of Japan's beaches for a photo shoot, and luckier that Rio de Sol sent me this swimwear set, including a pareo, bracelet and Havaianas. I semi-consciously chose this halter top and bottom set (I surprisingly didn't own a simple black one), and it turns out to be a swimwear trend this summer. For more, check out my post on halter swimwear here.

Tokyo isn't blessed with the beaches I grew up so close to in Huntington Beach, California, but they are nonetheless beautiful in their own way. My photographer Lasse captured the moodiness of this cloudy beach quite perfectly. Definitely put another check mark next to my summer to-do list. 

間もなく9月に突入、そして、夏も終わりを告げる。夏は長く感じますが、結局すぐ終わってしまい、学校なり仕事なりに戻る時間がやってきます。この夏は千葉の海まで撮影しに行くことができ、ちょうど良くRio de Solというブラジルビキニのブランドから水着コーディネートが届きました。ビキニにパレオ、ブレスレットとサンダル。このハイネックのビキニは今季の流行だとは知らなく、黒だしかっこいいなという理由で選びました。最近、ハイネック水着の特集を載せたので、見てみてください!


Bathing suit: Rio de Sol; Pareo: Rio De SolBracelet: Mishky (similar here); sandals: Havaianas;
earrings: Beach Closet

All photos by Lasse Kusk

Monday, August 29, 2016

DMM.PLANETS Art by teamLab - A World of Wonder

Have you ever been to an installation that kept you in awe and wonder from start to finish? DMM.PLANETS Art by teamLab ~A World of Wonders~ definitely made an impact this summer. With multiple rooms of some of teamLab's large-scale artworks, visitors can explore and immerse themselves in digital artwork and the largest Crystal Universe ever shown. 

The eye-opening experience begins with with a massive "Wander through the Crystal Universe," where the entire room is a three-dimensional light space. The lights illuminate in a sequence of patterns, creating different movement and color. I walked through most of the space, and was able to photograph the room from different angles. Gorgeous!

The second large installment was "Drawing on the Water Surface Created by the Dance of Koi and People - Infinity." My friend and I waded through water that was almost knee deep, the entire surface being digital artwork that moves with the movement of the person. Digital koi swim in the water, but the cool thing is, none of them are programmed beforehand, which means nothing can be replicated and the artwork is a continuous work in progress. I definitely wore the wrong pants for this one.

Lastly, we entered the "planetarium," but instead of viewing stars, we lied down on our backs to enjoy "Floating in the Falling Universe of Flowers." Apparently, the flowers and butterflies that forever float across space are rendered in real time by a computer program. Sunflowers, daisies, roses, pansies, flower petals of numerous colors would whoosh by, mesmerizing and surprising us.  It's amazing how every minute, every second is one of a kind and can never be replicated. 

For more information about this event, visit DMM.PLANETS Art by teamLAB

今週末は、31日まで開催されているDMM.PLANETS Art by teamLab に行ってきました。この夏、とてもインパクトのあるイベントとなりました。TeamLabの一番スケールの大きい作品、主にデジタルワークとCrystal Universe、を体験することができるんです。

Wander through the Crystal Universe」は、圧倒的に今まで見たことのないような世界観でした。光でできている彫刻がいくつも天井から垂れ下がっていて、この集合体によって、宇宙空間を表現したインスタレーションとなっているんです。広いスペースを歩き周り、色んな角度から永遠と変化するキラキラライトの写真を撮ることができました。

次に、水の世界に突入しました。「Drawing on the Water Surface Created by the Dance of Koi and People - Infinity」では、膝ぐらいまでの水面の上に、自由に動くデジタルアートと触れることができました。七色のアートが、人の動きと共に動く。鯉も足の周りを泳いでいました!事前にプログラミングしたものではなく、全てが新しいもので、二度と再現できないものなのがすごく不思議です。

最後に、プラネタリウム。とはちょっと違うんですけど、床の上を仰向けになって、舞い浮かぶ色とりどりの花、花びらと蝶蝶を眺めることができる「Floating in the Falling Universe of Flowers」というスペースです。こちらも自由に動くデジタルアートで、同じものが再現されない。私の好きなひまわりが頭の真上を自由自在に踊るように浮かんでいた時は、見とれるばかりでした。

31日までやっているので、行ってみて下さい!詳しくはDMM.PLANETS Art by teamLABへ!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Summer vibes in Japan

It's nearly impossible to be surrounded by this much greenery whilst in Tokyo - the 3-hour trip near the coast of Chiba was well worth it. This hibiscus-print setup from Zaful looks way better against the green, anyway.


Set-up: Zaful; sunglasses: zeroUVearrings: Beach Closet; choker: Zara; shoes: See by Chloe (Farfetch)

All photos by Lasse Kusk

Monday, August 22, 2016

Caudalie skin exfoliator & face masks

I think I first read about Caudalie on Into the Gloss, and tried their Grape Water when I was in college. Last year, I picked up the Instant Detox Mask, and since it was so true to its name, I decided to add a few more to my collection, including a face exfoliator. 

From left to right: The Deep Cleansing Exfoliator really smoothes my skin, and I use this 2-3 times a week for baby-soft skin. I use the Mousturizing Mask if I need to plump my skin and restore moisture. It also semi-reduces the redness I naturally have in my skin. The Glycolic Peel Mask is also a great mask for reducing redness and brightening your skin tone. I use this before I have a photo shoot or before going to an event or party. And last but not least, the Instant Detox Mask. It only takes 5-10 minutes of your skincare routine to really clean out your pores with this pink clay mask. Great for traveling and I absolutely love it!

Do you have a favorite Caudalie product? Let me know in the comment section!

Caudalieというスキンケアブランドを初めて知ったのは、多分Into the Glossを読んだ時だと思います。大学生の時にグレープウオーターを使ってみて、去年はインスタントデトックスマスクもピックアップしてみました。すごい効果があったので、他のマスクも使ってみたいと思い、いくつか購入してみました。



Sunday, August 21, 2016

Katharine Hamnet AW 2016 at Opening Ceremony

This was my first time viewing a Katharine Hamnett collection, and I absolutely loved it. Something about the oversized silhouettes and the touches of red here and there really have me excited for fall/winter. Held at the Opening Ceremony store in Omotesando, my friends and I enjoyed a reception party and fashion show. Their pop-up shop in Opening Ceremony started on the 20th, so go check it out! 

初めてKatharine Hamnett のコレクションを拝見しましたが、すぐに好きになってしまいました。オーバーサイズのシルエットもそうですし、ポイントカラーの赤がとてもお洒落。秋冬のトレンドが楽しみになりました。今回は、pop-up shop のローンチを祝うためのイベントで、Opening Ceremony表参道店で開催されました。ファッションショーもあったので、服の印象が本当に良かったです。20日からpop-upが始まったので、是非チェック!

Friday, August 19, 2016

When your T-shirt speaks your mind

How easy life would be if the T-shirt you are wearing can speak your mind for you. At least that's what Anji of Salz Tokyo thinks. She created her original T-shirts because sometimes it's awkward to actually say what you really think in words, so a humorous T-shirt will do the trick. I actually haven't received any negative comments on this one - mostly a chuckle here and there, with a "That's so funny, where did you get it?" I'll sometimes reaffirm that I really am not interested to enjoy the look on someone's face. We all need some laughs sometimes, right?

着用しているTシャツが本音を表してくれたら、人生どんなに楽だろう、って思ったことありませんか?このSalz TokyoのTシャツのクリエーター、アンジーさんはそう思ってデザインしたらしいですよ。本当に思っていることを言葉で表すことができないことがもちろん多いので、逆にTシャツにプリントしちゃえばいい、とか。びっくりすることに、周りの人にはネガティブなコメントはまだ言われてないんです。くすくす笑われたり、「面白いね、どこで買ったの?」とは聞かれるけどね。たまに、いや、本当に興味ないから!と念を押して言うと、相手の表情を見て私が笑っちゃうという。人生は面白く、楽しく!

T-shirt: Salz Tokyo; skirt: H&M ; cap: zeroUV; sunglasses: zeroUVbag: Metrocity; watch: BABY-G; choker: Choke Me Jewelry; rings: Rings & TingsiPhone case: Chiara Ferragni (Farfetch)sandals: Teva

All photos by Irwin Wong photography