Saturday, April 30, 2016

Spring trend: fringed denim (featuring Moussy)

One of my favorite trends this season is fringed denim. This oversized denim dress with fringed detail from Moussy is a new favorite of mine - I just like oversized, comfortable clothing in general. Not only is the hemline of the dress perfectly frayed, but the neckline has the fringed detail going on as well. Bandanas are making a comeback, and for someone like me who never wears scarves, its a perfect accessory to spice up an outfit. 

About 3 weeks ago, the Kumamoto prefecture in the Kyushu region experienced a series of high-magnitude earthquakes, including a magnitude 7.0 mainshock which struck on April 16th. I was visiting my home in California during this time, which makes it the second time not experiencing the big earthquakes in Japan. I was shocked to see the level at which it had affected the people living in Kumamoto as my mother and I watched the news from California. And even now, I closely watch the updates on TV every morning, always saddened to see innocent families living in cramped, temporary spaces, not getting the food and medical supplies they really need. I recently donated to Save the Children Japan because it really is crucial that one more person in the world helps out those in need. It only takes a few minutes to make a donation, and you can make a difference too :)


3週間ほど前に、熊本地震がありましたね。7.0のマグニチュードまでもが発生した、大規模な地震でした。地震が起こっていた期間、ちょうどアメリカの実家にもどっていたので、ニュースで観たときはびっくりしました。2011年の大震災の時も、まだ日本にいなかったので、これはいいことなのか悪いことなのか・・・でも、またも大規模な地震が発生するなんて、テレビでの映像を見ながら、信じられない気持ちでいっぱいでした。今でも、朝のニュースで地震後の様子を見ていますが、避難生活をしている人々がどれだけ大変な思いをしているのかが想像できます。自由に動けないような空間で生活したり、食べたいものを満足に食べれない、医療機器や薬なども足りない状態の中、もうすぐ一ヶ月が経とうとしています。私は、何もやらずにいられなかったので、Save the Children Japanに募金をしました。やはり、一人でも多く募金をすれば、絶対違うと思うからです。皆さんも募金しましょう!

dress: Moussy; bandana: Moussybag: OZOC; shoes: Vanssunglasses: zeroUV; watch: Fossil; bracelet: Rings & Tings

All photos by Koert Vossegat 


  1. love the bandana~so beautiful~

  2. nice denim style

  3. Great outfit :) I've heard some news about this earthquake couple days ago but luckily all my friends who live right now in Japan were safe.

  4. You always look so amazing! LOVE your hair x

  5. I love your jeans outfit. Have a nice day pretty :)

  6. Save the children の募金は毎月定額のもあって

  7. This denim dress is beautiful!

  8. Love this fringed denim dress.
    Christina ♥

  9. Pray for Kumamoto. We were recently at Sakura Matsuri in DC and I bought a little mask for Piri. I didn't know what it was and picked it because it was the smallest and the only would that would fit around Piri's head. I realized later that it was the mascot, Kumamon, for Kumamoto. xx


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